Visiting Yachtsmen & Yachtswomen Information

50.7216° N, 01.1105° W post code PO34 5HB
Visiting Yachtsmen who are members of a recognised Yacht Club are very welcome. You may use the Club's moorings and launch service, subject to availability and payment of fees (see below). In addition you may use the Club's bar and catering facilities. Boats up to 10 tonnes / 40' can be accepted (at owner's risk). Do check your draft clearance at low spring tides.
You can book a mooring by calling the office (01983 613268). Tables for dining can be booked here.
As you approach please contact the Club by radio 'Sea View Boatmen' on channel M2 (P4 on an Icom). Pay for the mooring at the bar and present your receipt to the boatman on your return journey.
The charge is £20.00 per day (11am to 11am)
( This Price reduces to £10 if you purchase a meal at the Club Restaurant bookings can be made via ResDiary ) ResDiary
The boatman service operates daily from 26th April 08:30 to 16:30 hrs. At weekends, starting from the Late May Bank Holiday, the launch service will be available until 1830 hrs. This extended service will cease after the August Bank Holiday weekend.
From mid July to the end of August the boatmen will also operate during weekdays until the later of either (a) the end of Club racing or (b) 1900.
A few Club Rules
Personal buoyancy It is highly recommended that those using Club boats wear adequate personal buoyancy. Failing to wear adequate personal buoyancy is done so at their own risk.
Footwear must be worn at all times, including on the staging and slipway.
Smoking, including e-cigarettes, in the Club or on the staging and slipway is forbidden.
Shirt/blouse/top must be worn in the Club or on the staging and slipway.
No dogs in Club but they are permitted on the staging and slipway.