Booking Details & Procedures
You can book courses by choosing the courses accordingly in the Club Calendar
Some quick links below to book :
May Half Term Training - 3 days for Adults, teenagers and Children, tuition available for anyone from beginners to racers
All Members Week - 5 days for Adults, Teenagers and Children, tuition available for anyone from beginners to racers
Family Week - 5 days for Adults, Teenagers and Children tuition available for anyone from beginners to racers
Senior Cadet Week - 5 days for Teenagers, tuition available for anyone from beginners to racers
Junior Cadet Week - 5 days for Children, tuition available for anyone from beginners to racers
All Cadet Week - 5 days for Teenagers and Children, tuition available for anyone from beginners to racers
NB VHF Courses are labeled as SRC in the course calendar.
Guide to using the Club Website for booking courses and events
To ensure the booking process is as smooth, simple and painless as possible for you, it will save you a lot of time if you ensure you have completed all of the following steps the first time that you logon to the Website this year to make any booking.
- Login You can't make bookings, see the full Club Calendar or access the member's area / make bookings until you have done this.
- Update your profile ensure as much information as possible is completed here because this will automatically populate all bookings you make, saving you from having to manually complete the information for each booking.
- Set up GoCardless this online direct debit is the most secure and timely way to pay for bookings. We have decided it is more secure for members to set up a new direct debit through GoCardless. Please keep the existing ones in place for now.
- Calendar Select the date & click the event you wish to book.
- Purchase Ticket choose the correct ticket that applies, i.e. correct level and a class of boat for a training course.
- Complete empty fields on the Ticket.
- Done
- Receive a short email confirmation that we have received your booking request.
Don't forget if booking a course that you require a Club Boat for to ensure that you have booked one of these too. You can see all your bookings in the account section of the website.
For those who are now breaking out into a cold sweat at the thought of this and feel they need a little need extra help, the attached pdf explains, in a step by step pictorial guide, how to book onto the courses this year.
All bookings are subject to the Participant and, where appropriate, the Parent undertaking that they have read and understood the terms and conditions contained herein. Within this copy, the phrase "Parent and Legal Guardian," will be shortened to Parent.
Where the term Participant is used, and the Participant is under 18 years of age on any day of the Course, the Parent has responsibility for conforming to the Participant booking conditions. Parents are signing to agree with the Booking and Conditions where the Participant is under 18 when they purchase the online course ticket.
The Club's Health and Safety Policy Statement, Child Protection Policy and Risk Assessment are available for viewing in the Club Training Office.
All Participants must at all times follow the instructions of the Senior Instructor or Group Leader in charge of the Course or related activity, comply with any signing on/off procedures when going to sea or returning and wear approved personal buoyancy unless specifically permitted not to.
In providing the training, safety will remain of paramount importance. However the Club and its representatives bear no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or inconvenience to boats, Instructors or students howsoever arising during Courses and related activities.
A helm is entirely responsible for his/her boats own safety, whether afloat or ashore and nothing, whether in this Brochure, the Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions or anywhere else, reduces this responsibility. It is for the helm to decide whether the boat and crew is fit to sail in the conditions in which they will find themselves. By launching or going to sea, the helm confirms that the boat is fit for these conditions and its crew is competent to sail and compete in them. The provision of Safety Boats does not relieve helms of these responsibilities.
Owners shall accept full responsibility for the seaworthiness of their boat from the start of the Course and must be insured, including third party risks for a minimum of £2 million. In many cases Insurers will add a Sail Training Indemnity to an existing policy for a small or no fee. Where SVODs are shared we advise sharers to agree before the Course how insurance and excess will be divided.
The Club's sailing boats are already insured but require the helm to undertake payment of an insurance excess in the event of damage caused through their fault. For Mermaids the excess is £400, for dinghies it is £100. If the helm is under 18 then the Parent shall be liable for this excess.
Medical Condition
The Club requires that all Participants must declare on the Medical Form if they are suffering from or undergoing treatment for any medical conditions that may affect their participation in a Course. If in any doubt as to your fitness to participate on a Course, consult your GP.
Swimming Ability
All Participants must be able to swim a minimum distance of 25m in light clothing (without buoyancy aids) and be confident in the water.
Pre-Course Experience or Criteria
The Club will require that all information and minimum requirements for each Course are met in full and reserves the right to reject applications for a Course where such information is either not available or unacceptable.
Dinghy Courses
All Participants must have their own, chartered or borrowed Optimist, Tera, SVOD, Laser, Topper, Feva, Vision, Buzz, Catamaran or Pico for relevant Training Courses. It is the Participant's responsibility to ensure that the Insurance section in these Conditions has been met. Members of the same group may share SVODs, Visions, Catamarans and Fevas. It is unlikely that it will be feasible for other dinghies to be shared for Courses.
Group allocation is at the discretion of the Chief Instructor.
The Club must have details of the Parent or other nominated person who can be contactable on the Isle of Wight at all times throughout the Course for Participants under the age of 18.
Participants on Junior Cadet Week must be aged from 8 to 11 and participants on Senior Cadet Week must be aged from 12 to 16 on 1 September 2024.
Participants must be Members of SVYC or other East Wight Clubs and for under 18s have a parent resident on the IOW during the course. Applications for Cadet Membership must be submitted to the Club Secretary by April 1st to ensure participation in summer Courses.
Parents must be available when required to supervise groups at lunchtime and help with evening activities. The Parent Representative will co-ordinate parental support and will be briefed by the Chief Instructor.
It is Club policy not to allow private tuition unless arranged through the Training Department. Anyone giving freelance tuition has no RYA recognition, no safety-cover and is not allowed to use the Clubs equipment. Instructors should be aware that a Coachs Indemnity Insurance Policy only provides cover when they are working within a RYA Training Centre.
Payment & Early Bird Discount
No booking will be accepted unless accompanied by the correct Course Fee(s).
Course bookings received before Easter Monday are entitled to an Early Bird Discount as shown on the booking form.
Those Courses that have a restricted number of places will be filled on a first come first served basis. Remember that before a booking is processed the Club MUST have received payment. In the interest of fairness we will accept faxed or electronic mail applications from overseas members as long as the proper application form is signed, with payment enclosed and posted on the same day.
Right to Amend the Conditions
The Club has the right to alter, amend, add to or otherwise revise the foregoing Booking Conditions or withdraw any Course or Activity included in the Programme without notice.
There will be no refunds of Course Fees for cancellations made by Members less than one calendar month before the Course start date. The Club reserves the right to cancel Courses at its own discretion. If the Club were to cancel a Course it would rearrange dates or refund fees.
SAFETY HELMETS - Wearing helmets for sailing always causes controversy. Clearly from a safety point of view they provide an enormous amount of protection to the wearers head, they do however reduce wind awareness and hearing.
We do not advocate that all sailors wear helmets. We advise that it is sensible for beginners in Optimists to sleeve the Opi boom in foam. Head injuries for beginners are often caused by an accidental gybe or being stuck head to wind. Coupled with the low boom in an Optimist, knocks to the head for beginners are not uncommon. The Training Team therefore feel it is a very good idea for beginners and young sailors to cover the boom with foam. It is a parent's own choice if they wish their child to wear a helmet.
Foam lagging is available from Jewson in Ryde (Tel: 01983 562360) and Newport (Tel: 01983 525111). Helmets are available from Total Option (Tel: 01543 411333) who supply a very suitable and inexpensive helmet, available in a wide range of colours and sizes, originally designed for roller blading.