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Sailing - Multi-Day Summer Courses

All Members Week (for any aged student - Cadet or Adult)


Usually the first of our summer training weeks but this year the Last, this week has the advantage of being able to offer the whole family tuition at the same time, although probably not in the same boat unless that is what you would like to do of course. 

We will also be offering Catamaran sailing courses in our Dart 16s, these courses range from stage 1 to Intermediate Racing. 

This is therefore, a week to go whichever way you fancy, be it sailing with your family, brushing up your skills or trying something new there is something for you.

To book please click here.....  All Members Week

Family Week (Formerly Adult Week- now for any aged student - Cadet or Adult)



Whether you have never taken part in a training course at Sea View Yacht Club, or whether you are an old hand, Family Week is a chance to get to know new friends whilst either learning to sail or improving your skills. Thanks, as always, to Noel Dobbs there are also some fantastic evening meals and social activities organized for you during the week. The week finishes with prize giving and a BBQ.

We try hard to select the best crew combinations (friendship and ability) for the Mermaids; to help us with this please could you fill in the Course aspirations and experience sections on the booking form to the best of your ability or give the office a call to discuss groupings.

Each course will be working towards RYA certificates (keelboat or dinghy) as well as our SVYC qualifications, but we can also work on specific areas you request.

If you have taken part in this course before maybe try something new this year. All of our classes are great fun to sail but they all handle differently, if youre not sure give the office a call to discuss your options.

Sailing is a very important part of the week, but there are several options to consider, do you want big boats?,  small boats?, are you a zero? or hero? No matter where you fit in there are courses here for everyone. Still unsure, give the training team a call 01983 613268 or

Family week relies heavily on the volunteer Instructors who give up their time for the week.  If you are a Mermaid A helm and would like to help, please contact Jon Curtis on 01983 613268 or  If you do volunteer as an A helm you have the opportunity to become a RYA Keelboat Instructor during the week.

To book please click here..... Family Week

Cadet Squad Training (For SVYC Sailors who race their Opi or Tera and want to move up the fleet)


These weeks were set up to give a boast to those sailors heading off to take part in the Optimist or RS Tera National Championships. Once again we hope to have a team going to each of these events to represent SVYC and this will form the focus of the training.

We will have 2 groups:          Cadet Squad National Contenders          &              Cadet Squad Club Racers

Teaching will be a mixture of coached sessions, video coaching, games, races, match racing / two boat tuning and self critical analysis.

There will be elements of fitness training and dietary requirement whilst racing.

Each week we will have a focus on higher-level racing Opi / Tera coaching.

There will be days where the sailors spend the whole day on the water in an attempt to simulate a Nationals day to the best of our ability.

Fun is still at the heart of all of our training though and we always want the sailors to come off the water having had a great day.

Cadet Squad racing is available every day from Mid July to the end of August at the Club with special races available for Heavy Weather, Sailing around St. Helens Fort, Seamanship, an Opi / Tera Open and Opi / Tera team racing to name but a few.

Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals are presented every day to the first 3 sailors.

To book please click here..... Cadet Squad Training (Part of All Members Week)

Senior Cadet Week (for 12 to 18 year olds) 


This week is where it all began back in 1985 and its still going strong.

All levels of course are available during this week, but more of the courses tend to be the higher-level courses in Opis, RS Teras, Toppers, Picos, RS Fevas, RS Visions, Lasers, SVODs and Catamarans.

Part of our coaching technique involves video footage of the students to help them identify their own faults - this has proved very successful over the past few years.

Why not try the Olympic class that Sir Ben Ainslie won his first Olympic medal sailing the Laser. Its still an amazing boat to sail.

The week finishes with a Disco on Thursday night and a prize giving at the close of sailing on Friday.

To book please click here.....  Senior Cadet Week

Mermaid or SVOD Race Coaching Course (either taken in a SVOD or a Mermaid) 


These 4 day courses are all about understanding the boat in such a way that you can extract that extra bit of speed out of it. Understanding the rules so that you can use them to your advantage.

Understanding all about trimming the sails what is the 4th Corner?

This knowledge is gained by sailing the boats, you will be coached by a racing instructor from a RIB and also by using video coaching. There will be lots of short races, team races, match races, starts and mark rounding. Discussion groups form part of the shore based debrief with everybody learning from each other.

This course always proves informative and fun.

In the Mermaids this is all about the whole team on the boat; it is not just a helming course, however the minimum standard to join the course is "A" helm even if you dont yet hold the "A" you must be at that standard. Spinnaker work plays a big part in the 4 days too, you must understand how to fly it prior to the course but we will aim to fly it sooner and more efficiently. 

To go to the booking page and book a place just click on this link... Mermaid & SVOD Race Coaching

Junior Cadet Week (for 8 to 11 year olds) 



This week has been the starting point for so many of our sailors for so long now. This is a great week to learn to sail and to form friendships that will keep going forever. Ever since Robert Holbrook introduced the Optimist to Seaview in the 1980s this course has been a winner!

Its not just Opis this week though; the new kid on the block, the RS Tera is building momentum for those who have grown too large for their old Opi, as well as Picos, Fevas and Visions.

Beginners learn on the Duver in the shallows with the Instructor wading around in the water next to them.

There are lots of land drills and games to try and make the sessions as fun as possible and reducing the tiredness factor which badly affects motivation if not kept in check. Instructor Ratios will be 1:3 as a maximum for beginners.

Racing groups will have a busy schedule involving all aspects of racing, including mock protests, to get them ready to campaign for the rest of the season. The usual mix of coaching, land drills, video analysis and just racing all help to hone their skills.

A Disco on Thursday night is the most popular social event in the training calendar and needs to be seen to be believed! On Friday a parents race in Opis followed by prize giving round off the week.

To book please click here..... Junior Cadet Week

All Cadets Week (for 8 to 18 year olds)

This week follows the same format as all of the other weeks; the beginner groups will take place in the shallow waters of the Duver with an Instructor wading around next to the boats giving Instruction. 


The higher-level groups will be coached by Instructors in either sailing boats, of the same type as their students or from a RIB. There will be video analysis feedback and various theory lectures throughout the week. Prize giving concludes the week on Friday afternoon.

This is the perfect week to try something different, if you have never tried Catamaran Sailing or sailing in a Crewed Boat using trapeze and asymmetric spinnaker this is the week for you.

There is also the chance to combine racing in Seaview Race Week with some extra coaching outside of the event timings (before and after racing). These courses are available to Opis, RS Teras, Picos, Toppers, Laser 4.7s, RS Fevas, RS Visions and SVODs

To book please click here..... All Cadets Week

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