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Join the SVYC

Thank you very much for your interest in membership of the Sea View Yacht Club.

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We have operated as a Yacht Club on the Isle of Wight since 1893. While our 1,900 members include the first woman to captain a boat in the Whitbread around the world race and an Olympic multi-gold winner, the majority are families who enjoy simple boating. With our glorious panoramic views over the Solent, there is simply no better place than the Sea View Yacht Club to spend happy days both on and off the water, when in and around Seaview.  

We welcome members of all abilities and offer a wide range of sailing and social events for all. As with most yacht clubs, our main activities are centred around the summer season when there are daily opportunities to sail, motor or paddle in local waters in a diverse mix of crafts from sailing yachts, motor yachts, RIBs, dinghies, to Optimists, rowing boats and paddle boards. We also have a lively set of social activities on the Clubs decks and in the clubhouse throughout the year. 


Training at SVYC

We are a Royal Yachting Association Training Academy and run a full range of training courses for sailors from young children first learning to sail, to courses for adults of any stage and ability, in either dinghies or the Clubs keelboats.  

Our training courses do not just cover sailing but also RYA powerboat, instructor, VHF radio and basic navigation courses, particularly in the late spring and early summer to enable members to prepare for their summer activities.



We are unusually fortunate in being able to offer a variety of sailing to members whether or not they own their own boats. The Club owns a fleet of thirteen keel boats, the Seaview Mermaids, which members race regularly throughout the summer during the day and early evening with between 2 and 4 crew; the Mermaids also race at Cowes Week and, because they are shared, represent excellent value for money. 


In addition to the keel boats, the Club also owns a large fleet of sailing dinghies which are available for members to charter, ranging from Optimists, Teras, Picos and Fevas to Lasers, Visions and Dart 16s.  

If you have your own dinghy, we have a large dinghy park available to store it during the season with very easy access to the water. If you own a RIB, there is the opportunity to arrange a mooring via the local boatbuilder and the Club provides a launch service which is always readily available throughout the season. 

Some SVYC members own their own wooden clinker-built Sea View One-Design Dinghies (SVODs); this unique class was founded in 1931, and now numbers 202 dinghies in the fleet, most which were built in the village. The SVOD class is proud to be the largest locally built one-design dinghy class anywhere in the world. 

Socialising at the SVYC

We have a very active social calendar with fun events for all ages throughout the summer, ranging from Apres Sail drinks, interesting talks, to dinners, dances, discos for the children and themed family suppers, as well as other social events throughout the winter including our very popular Sunday roasts. 

Our chef produces food throughout the summer season.  

As a member, you will be able to enjoy food and drink either inside the clubhouse or on our waterside decks, with gentle music playing on weekend evenings, resulting in a relaxed vibe in a stunning location with unrivalled views over the Solent and our Seaview sunsets.

Other shore-based events at SVYC which are very popular with members include bridge suppers, golf days and tennis groups.

Fun for the Children

Our Club is very family-orientated with formal sailing courses starting at age 8 but also organised activities for younger children, both on and off the water. Cockles Club has become a great SVYC tradition - a wonderful and extremely popular few days of fun and activities catering for children from  3 to 7 years old, which is a lovely way for them and their parents (and grandparents!) to make new friends at the Club. 


If you would like to visit the Club, have a look around and chat to one of our friendly welcoming team, please send an email to, giving your phone number so we can call you to set up a date.

We have an arrangement with Wightlink whereby SVYC members get a substantial discount on sailings, particularly at peak times. Bookings are made via the Club

To apply for Membership please complete this form: SVYC Membership Application

To apply for temporary membership, Temporary Membership.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

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