Prince Philip's Cup
Prince Philips Cup presented by HRH Prince Philip in 1956 to be contested by the numerous Island Clubs, for fun and more seriously to encourage sailing and social contact between Island Clubs. The highly prized trophy sees all 13 of Sea View Yacht Clubs Mermaids battling it out in the hands of 13 different Sailing / Yacht Clubs to see who will emerge victorious.
The race venue has moved since its foundation starting in Cowes then moving to Bembridge and then finally settling with us in Seaview.
Entries can be made by any Yacht / Sailing Club involved in officially organising yacht racing on the Solent (Mainland or Island based).
There are 13 boats available, these will be allocated to the first thirteen entries.
Helmsmen must be members of the affiliated RYA Club they are sailing for.
Each Club is invited to enter a team of three members, at least two of whom must helm for at least two races each out of the six races. Substitutes may only be made in exceptional circumstances.
If you fulfil the criteria but have not received an invitation and would like to get involved please contact the SVYC Sailing Director via