Purpose and Mission

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The Seaview Sailing Trust is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (charity number 1198176) established in 2022 for the purpose of:
The advancement of education and training for the public benefit of children, in particular but not exclusively from Isle of Wight primary schools, by the provision of sailing, watersports and land-based activities, in order to enhance their physical and mental development skills and self-confidence.
In simple terms, we raise money to pay for Isle of Wight primary school children to learn how to sail, free of charge. The children are taught by qualified instructors at Sea View Yacht Clubs excellent training facilities. Each child gets a terms worth of sailing lessons, and complete their course with an official RYA Dinghy Level 1 or 2 certificate.
The Trust was established in 2022 to drive forward the Seaview Schools Sailing programme which has been run by the Sea View Yacht Club since 2017. The Trusts purpose is clear: to enable Isle of Wight primary school children to experience the benefits of sailing and water sports activities. Specifically, we provide the funding to enable Year 5 primary school children to enjoy a terms worth of sailing lessons provided by Sea View Yacht Club. The children come as a whole class accompanied by a teacher. Many of these children have never been in a boat before and some have never been to the beach, despite living on the Isle of Wight. By coming week after week in the summer term, we see these children grow in confidence and embrace the challenges of sailing and wonders of the sea.
Andrea Minton Beddoes, Chair
These achievements have been made possible by the support of our generous donors. Despite the challenging fundraising environment in 2023, we saw our supporter base expand. Over £200,000 was raised to fund the programme going forward. The success of our fundraising assures the programme for 2024 and will allow us to expand still further. I continue to be overwhelmed by the support we receive both from the Seaview community and further afield. We have seen a wonderful array of local fund-raising activities during the year including a cycle from Lands End to John OGroats, marathon runners, a fishing seminar, custom designed jewellery — all in aid of the Seaview Sailing Trust. The number of regular donors has also increased significantly, and we have seen generous donations from a variety of trusts and foundations. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who has supported us. Thank you to you all.
We are well underway in implementing our 2022-25 Strategy and we expect to meet our current target of working with 12 local schools in 2024. Our financial report demonstrates that we are putting the Trust on a secure financial footing. We have opened a separate deposit account during the year and are now building up the Charitys reserves to help ensure that our work can continue. Looking ahead, the Trustees have now begun work on the 2025-2030 strategy.
During the year three new Trustees were welcomed to the Board: Tracy North, William Robins and Michael Smith. In line with many smaller charities, it is up to the Trustees to handle the day-to-day running of the charity. I would like to thank all the trustees for their support and hard work during the year. It has been a great team effort.
We are still a young charity, but we are incredibly proud of what we are achieving. I hope going forward we can help even more Isle of Wight children experience the benefits of life on the water.