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Stand Up Paddleboards

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The feedback from the SVYC members' survey revealed stand-up paddleboarding is the most popular area of boating that members are keen to try. Paddleboarding is great exercise but also improves balance which helps other boating activities.

We have three new co-captains - Oli Christie, Chris Jelf and Millie Smith.

Oli Christie has been paddleboarding for a few years in Seaview. When he first saw people on paddleboards, he presumed it must be the most boring sport in the world - but, once hed inflated the paddleboard properly and had a go himself - he realised its actually the most relaxing, enjoyable, fun, friendly, easy and rewarding way to spend your time. His favourite way to start a Seaview summers day is to paddle down to Priory Bay - and back - before breakfast.


Chris Jelf has paddleboarded at spots all along the South Coast, including an aborted attempt to complete a crossing of the English Channel to France last year aborted due to fog! Hes now got circumnavigating the Island in his sights but is equally content paddling the waters around Seaview with his young boys, or dog. Now a full-time resident in the village, hes looking forward to working with Oli and Milly to bring this brilliant sport to more members of the Club wishing to try this sport.


Milly Smith is new to paddleboarding but as a keen sportsperson has always looked out on the water and thought: I really need to get involved with that - as my children would love it!. Milly is hoping to help recruit other newbies to paddleboarding this summer and what better way but to set herself a challenge of paddleboarding with a group to Priory Bay to enjoy a sociable and well-deserved breakfast?



Oli, Chris, and Milly will shortly be in touch to ask for input on their plans and to ask your appetite - including for lessons to try the sport, discounted arrangements for those wishing to buy their own paddleboard, and storage of paddleboards at the Club. I know they are keen to organise trips for intermediate boarders to Priory Bay and, for the more adventurous, a mission to No Mans Land Fort or even round the Island! Be sure to follow the class account on Instagram svyc_sup here.

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